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Dental Emergencies & Walk-Ins Welcome

Dental Emergencies in Midland, TX

Dental emergencies are quite frightening and often painful. Prompt treatment is almost always required to alleviate pain and to ensure the teeth have the best possible chance of survival.

Sometimes teeth become fractured by trauma, grinding or biting on hard objects. In other cases, fillings, crowns and other restorative devices can be damaged or fall out of the mouth completely. If there is severe pain, it is essential to make an appointment with the dentist as quickly as possible. The pain caused by dental emergencies almost always gets worse without treatment, and dental issues can seriously jeopardize physical health.

Fractured Tooth

Fractured Tooth

Tooth fracture caused from an accident can be very painful. Patients should consult the dentist at the earliest. It is important that patients take few steps before visiting the dentist when they have a fractured tooth. The broken pieces of tooth should be collected, gently washed and should be taken to the dental practice. If the tooth is knocked out then the patient should try and put the tooth back in the socket. If it is not possible the patient can put the tooth in the vestibule and rush to the dental practice. Treatment of fractured tooth depends on the type of fracture. If a small part of the tooth is chipped off, the dentist may suggest dental bonding or veneers. If the tooth is cracked or broken into two then the tooth should be repaired and may have to be protected using a dental crown.

Abscessed Tooth

Abscessed Tooth

The bacteria from the plaque can reach the pulp of the tooth and cause infection. This leads to the formation of pus and dental abscess. If the tooth is not treated in time the infection can reach the root and affect the bone. As a treatment to abscess the pus is drained from the tooth and antibiotics are used in the region. Patients may experience pain when they have an abscessed tooth. It is important that they meet the dentist at the earliest to protect the tooth.

Missing Tooth

Missing Tooth

A person may lose a tooth from an accidental injury, tooth decay or gum problem. The first step to perform when the tooth falls out is to gently take the tooth holding the crown and wash it without disturbing the root. The patient can rinse the mouth with warm water and try to place the tooth back in socket or in the vestibule area. Tooth can also be preserved in container of milk before visiting the emergency dentist. The time duration from the injury to the dental visit plays a crucial role. If the tooth falls out from decay or gum disease the dentist may suggest for restoration of the lost tooth. There are many methods in dentistry to replace a lost tooth. The dentist takes time in explaining the procedures and patients can opt from the treatment options.

Broken Filling

Broken Filling

A dental filling can get damaged when a person bites on hard food. A broken filling or fallen crown can be an emergency condition because the tooth can cause discomfort to tongue and the cheeks and at times the cavity may be very painful. The cavity can attract food particles putting the tooth in danger of decay. A dental visit can help patients avoid these problems. Clove oil can be used with cotton to relieve the pain in the area. If the patient has a fallen crown, he/she can wash the inside of the crown and try placing it back over the tooth before visiting the dentist.

Extractions Emergency

Extractions Emergency

Severe tooth decay or an impacted tooth can sometimes cause unbearable pain in patients. Visiting an emergency dentist is of utmost importance during such situations since these problems can distract a person from daily activities. A dentist firstly treats such conditions with pain medicine and then goes ahead with the extraction process. Based on the complexity of the tooth position a non-surgical or a surgical process may be suggested by the dentist. It is important for patients to follow the post-operative instructions from the dentist.

Save A Tooth

Save A Tooth

A knocked out tooth can be saved if it is taken to the dental practice within an hour from the incident. Patients should follow few steps to make sure that the tooth is safe. The knocked out tooth should be taken and washed gently without disturbing the root. The tooth should be put back in socket. If the patient is unable place it back in position the tooth can be saved in vestibule or in a container of milk before visiting the emergency dentist. Similarly a tooth which is broken can be saved with the help of dental crowns.

If you have questions or concerns about dental emergencies, please contact your dentist.

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